Instructions for authors
The articles will be written in English and will include:
- Title (TNR 12, bold, in capital letters, centred)
- Author(s) (TNR 12, bold, italic, right aligned)
- Institutional affiliation (TNR 12, right aligned)
- Keywords (4-6 words, TNR 12, left aligned)
- Abstract (maximum 200 words, TNR 12, justify)
- Article content: introduction, material-method, results and discussions (TNR 12, justify)
- References (TNR 12, left aligned)
The articles will be drafted in this way:
- Word (maximum 2003 version or converted into it, having the ".doc" extension );
- A4;
- Page Setup: 2,75 cm top, 1,8 cm left, 6,7 cm right, 6,7 cm bottom;
- font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1;
- 6-8 pages with bibliography, tables, graphs and so on.
- the title of the tables above them (TNR 10, bold, centred)
- title of graphs under these (TNR 10, bold, centred)
- the titles from bibliography will be inserted in the text in ascending order in the form of number between square brackets [1]
At the end of the article will be added the following: title, keywords, abstract in the Romanian language (only for ramanian authors).